The purpose of the GosZatraty project
GosZatraty is a non-government project to raise public awareness about public expenditure..
The automated monitoring system allows examining, understanding and detecting violations and using public expenditure data repeatedly. This refers specifically to grants, federal and municipal contracts.
We are full of determination to compel the authorities to find and implement ways to solve public expenditure problems and eradicate government contracting abuses.
The goals and tasks of the GosZatraty project
The ultimate major goal of the GosZatraty project is to improve living standards for Russian citizens.
General goals of the GosZatraty project:
• to promote honesty among public servants;
• to improve the efficiency of budget spending;
• to improve the accountability among those making decisions in public expenditure;
• to impede corruption with evidence;
• to increase trust in the state among businesses and citizens;
• to enhance control over federal and municipal bodies;
• to promote a more open, democratic and transparent Russian society;
• to promote public control over authorities and minimize decision-making risks;
• to improve the performance and efficiency of the public sector ;
• to develop the public information market and create demand for it;
• to systematize and facilitate the access to public expenditure information for citizens;
Direct goals pursued by the GosZatraty project in government contracting:
• to achieve justice – to help the state to ensure conditions for equal participation of suppliers in their competition for government tenders
• to improve the administration of government contracts;
• to improve accessibility of federal and municipal contracting information;
• to reveal typical violation mechanisms in the process of federal and municipal contracting;
• to highlight the problem, to detect violations in federal and municipal contracting and assess their scale;
• to reveal existing defects in federal and municipal contracting;
• to draw civic attention to federal and municipal contracting;
• to decrease competition restrictions in tendering;
• to assess the efficiency and transparency of federal and municipal contracting;
• to further develop procedures for the placement of federal and municipal contracts;
• to assess the correctness of contract placement for public and municipal use;
• honesty is a curbing factor against corruption in federal and municipal contracting;
• to work out recommendations to improve federal and municipal contract placement;
• to improve procurement legislation;
• to improve customer discipline in procurement;
• to save public funds allocated to the creation of similar mobile and web services for citizens;
• to detect defects and work out recommendations for government contracting;
• to carry out an independent public analysis (audit) of public expenditure. (Back to the questions)
Who is behind the GosZatraty project?
The project is promoted by the citizens who are not indifferent and seeking good order in government procurement and government contracting. You can be one of them, too.
The GosZatraty project has been created and supported by the non-profit partnership “Informatsionnayah Kulturah” and “Komitet grazhdanskich initsiativ” (“The Committee for Civic Initiative”).
The Committee for Civic Initiative — is a civic organization, a non-partisan association of professionals in key spheres of life (economy, science, education, health care, culture). It was established in 2012 by Alexey Kudrin and a number of other public persons “in order to determine and implement the best scenario for the development of the state”.
The non-profit partnership “Promoting the Development and Establishment of Info Culture 'Informatsionnayah kulturah'” (the non-profit partnership “Info Culture”) - s a civic non-profit organization aiming to develop and popularize the concepts of the Open State and Open Information, involve citizens in taking international, national and municipal decisions and raise awareness among them.
We aspire to efficient use of information to advance social progress and support the state in presenting information, to enhance access, transparency and accountability.
The project "" is developed with the support of JSC "RNG"