Government customers

This section is about customers in the contracts concluded according to the 94th, 44th, and 223rd Federal Laws. The data come from the Consolidated List of Customers, which is published at the official portal of the official Russian Unified information system in the field of public procurement

Data are updated on a daily basis. There is a limitation in full-text search through customers' names: such queries return only up to 500 contracts.

Please note that a query for a text search should not contain unpaired quote marks. Queries with an odd number of quote marks may lead to an invalid output. For instance a search for ПУБЛИЧНОЕ АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО "НЕФТЯНАЯ КОМПАНИЯ "РОСНЕФТЬ" (with three quote marks) will return nothing. It can be fixed by removing any of the odd quote marks, e.g. ПУБЛИЧНОЕ АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО НЕФТЯНАЯ КОМПАНИЯ "РОСНЕФТЬ".

* Insert your search query in quotes for the exact match. For example: «чёрная икра»

Organizations found: 1 (500 max)  

Number of contracts
Amount of contracts, RUB
7702361314 770201001 8989 248 120 900 630

The Clearspending project places information obtained exclusively from official sources.

The editors of Clearspending are not responsible for the publication of inaccurate, incomplete or incorrect data on legal entities, as well as for the disclosure of personal data of individuals in cases where such data are published on official sources.

Requests for correction of such data on the Clearspending website are taken exclusively through the form "Write to us!" And are considered for at least 5 working days.