BIC - Bank Identification Code.
BIC – a unique nine-digit code of a credit organization. It is designed to identify actors of payment operations and is a necessary element of the requisites in any bank. BIC is used in payment documents inside Russia. It identifies the name, and correspondent account of the bank and the region the bank belongs to as well as the Russian Central Bank division which registered the bank and provides support to it.
The code is assigned by the Russian Central Bank. It is the Central Bank which is in charge of the BIC classification. The structure of the code and order according to which the code registry is operated are defined in the Russian Central Bank Regulation №225-П, May 6, 2003 “On the registry of the Bank Identification Codes belonging to actors conducting payment operations through the accounting system of the Russian Central Bank”.
Under this document a BIC has the following structure:
• the first 2 digits signify the code of the Russian Federation (“04”);
• the 3rd and 4th digits stand for the federal region of Russia according to the “All-Russia classifier of units of administrative and territorial division” OK 019-95 (OKATO) adopted at the decision of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology, July 31, 1995, № 413. If these numbers are “00” that means that the bank division is situated outside of Russia;
• the 5th and 6th digits represent the nominal number of a division of the Russian Central Bank accounting system or the nominal number of a division of the Russian Central Bank. The code may range from “00”-”99”
• the 7th through 9th digits – the nominal number of a credit organization stored by the Russian Central Bank accounting system division which operates the correspondent account of the credit organization. The numbers may range from “050”-”999”. They have the value of “000” for cash-processing centers within the Russian Central Bank system. For the principle cash-processing center and other divisions performing its functions the assigned value is “001”. Other divisions of the Russian Central Bank accounting system are assigned “002”. The BIC registry can be found on the Russian Central Bank website. The official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation hosts the distributive of a set of programs named “BIC registry” (“Справочник БИК”). To search a bank by its BIC the distributive must be installed on the computer.
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TRN - Taxpayer reference number.
TRN is a digital code harmonizing the registration of taxpayers. It is assigned to both natural and legal persons. Organizations have been assigned TRNs since 1993 while individual entrepreneurs – since 1997. Other natural persons have been assigned that since 1999 (since the entering into force of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
• The TRN of a natural person is a string of 12 digits with the first 2 digits being the code of a federal subject of Russia under article 65 of the Constitution. The next two digits are the number of the local tax office. The following six digits represent a taxpayer's registry number. The last two digits stand for so-called “control digits” to ensure the registration number is correct.
• The TRN of an individual entrepreneur is assigned to a natural person upon his registration as an individual entrepreneur provided the person has not had it up to the moment of registration. Otherwise the current TRN is used.
• The TRN of a legal person is a string of 10 digits with the first two digits being the code of a federal subject of Russia under article 65 of the Constitution (or “99” for the interregional office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia). The next two digits are the number of the local tax office. The following five digits stand for the tax registration code of a taxpayer in the Unified State Register of Taxpayers. The last digit is the “control digit”. The TRN of a legal person is assigned to an organization upon its registration in a tax office which is in charge of legal persons' registration. The TRN together with RCC help identify every isolated division of a legal person. That is why both codes are often displayed together, for example, when specifying an organization's payment requisites.
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TRRC- Tax Registration Reason Code.
TRRC is assigned to organizations in addition to TRN following their registration in various tax offices: at the place of registration of the persons and their remote divisions and at the place of registration as the proprietor of real estate property and means of transportation. The TRRC identifies what tax office a legal person is assigned to as well as the reason for the tax registration. Therefore, one organization can have several TRRC. Under the ruling of the Federal Tax Service of Russia passed March 3, 2004 № БГ-3-09/178 the structure of TRRC is a nine-digit number (NNNNPPXXX) with NNNN being the code of the tax office that registered the organization, PP being the reason for registration (for Russian organizations these symbols may range from 1-50 and from 51-99 for foreign ones), XXX being the serial number of a registration in the territorial tax office (the digits represent the number of instances that the organization has been registered for the specified reason). TRRC is an essential requisite for bank transfer orders and various accounting and tax documents. But this refers to legal persons only. Individual entrepreneurs are not assigned such codes so that they are not required to fill out this requisite. Alternatively, they may put “o” in its place. A combination of TRN and TRRC allows an unerring identification of any organization (enterprise).
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Personal account is an account for registering payment operations conducted by natural and legal persons which displays all financial and credit operations of a particular client. Personal accounts are analytical accounting documents. Personal accounts are managed not only by finance and insurance organizations but also by tax offices, utility companies, and public authorities (for instance the Federal Treasury).
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ARCEAT is the All-Russia Classifier of Economic Activity Types.
ARCEAT is used to officially register legal persons, individual entrepreneurs and agricultural (farm) households. The ARCEAT is harmonized with the official Russian version of the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 1) (Статистическая классификация видов экономической деятельности в Европейском экономическом сообществе (КДЕС Ред. 1)) by copying the codes (up to 4 digits) and names of corresponding positions without any changes made to the definitions from NACE Rev. 1 to ARCEAT. The particularities reflecting the Russian economy needs for detalization of types of activities are present in ARCEAT in 5-6-digit groupings. ARCEAT has replaced the All-Union Classifier of Economy Branches (AUCEB) and parts 1 and 4 of the All-Russia Classifier of Types of Economic Activity, Products and Services (ACAP) pertaining to economic activity. The effective ARCEAT OK 029-2001 (NACE Rev. 1) was adopted at the decision of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology № 454-ст passed Novermber 6, 2001 and put to effect January 1, 2003. The classification of economic activity types in ARCEAT is done according to characteristics reflecting the sphere of activity, production procedures or technology. ARCEAT codes do not specify the form of ownership, procedural and legal forms and departmental affiliation of legal persons. There is no distinction between internal and external trade, profit and non-profit types of economic activities. An economic activity type code of ARCEAT is as follows: XX.XX.XX, with XX being the class, XX.X being the subclass, XX.XX – the group, XX.XX.X – the subgroup, XX.XX.XX – the kind.
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ACAP - All-Russia Classifier of Types of Economic Activities, Products and Services.
The ACAP covers organizations, state agencies and enterprises of all forms of ownership that function inside the state. The registered number is OK 004-93. It was adopted and brought to effect by the Resolution N17 of the State Committee for the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology (hereafter SCRFSM) August 6, 1993. Brought to effect January 1, 1994. In the context of government procurement the All-Russia Classifier of Types of Economic Activities, Products and Services OK 004-93 (hereafter ACAP) is used to identify groups of products, works, and services that are “homonymous” in the classification and are subject to procurement (of 500 000 rub. and over each quarter of a year) by way of electronic auction provided for in the ruling of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation № 273 passed June 7, 2011. The effective (latest) version of the ACAP: (following the amendments 1/94, 2/95, 3/96 to the ACAP; the Resolution of the SCRFSM passed 06.11.2001 N 454-cт, the Amendment 4/2001 to the ACAP adopted by the SCRFSM February 1, 2002, the Amendment 5/2011 to the ACAP adopted at the Ruling of the SCRFSM November 11, 2011 N 569-ст, the Amendment 6/2012 to the ACAP adopted at the Ruling of the SCRFSM December 12, 2012 N 1894-ст) The Amendment 6/2012 to the ACAP (passed and brought to effect at the Ruling of the SCRFSM December 12, 2012 № 1894-ст). The ACAP was developed taking into consideration the recommendations of the United Nations Statistical Commission. The ACAP is based on the International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC) and Central Products Classification (CPC). The ACAP uses the 7-digit code that reflects the classification scheme.
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ARCPA - All-Russia classifier of public authorities.
The ARCPA OK 006-2011 was adopted and brought to effect at the ruling of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology April 26, 2011 N 60-ст. Brought to effect January 1, 2012. The ARCPA was designed to solve the following main tasks: to code information on state and local authorities as well as information systems and resources; to cooperate government information resources; to exchange information between government agencies; to compare information on economic statistics; to meet the demands in information on public authorities. The ARCPA uses the hierarchical method to classify information and the serial method of coding. The structure of the ARCPA consists of a code and a name. The structure of a classified object according to the ARCPA is as follows: XXXXXXX. All objects inside the ARCPA are subdivided into 5 groups:
Governmental authorities of the Russian Federation.
Other state authorities of the Russian Federation.
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
Governmental authorities in the federal subjects of the Russian Federation. Other state authorities in the federal subjects of the Russian Federation.
Local authorities of the Russian Federation. Election commissions of municipal units
Organizations that are subject to federal statistical monitoring. Groups of economic entities and public associations included in official statistical data
Interstate authorities
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Checking account - is an “on-demand” ruble account of legal person clients.
Annex 1 of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Regulation passed March 26, 2007 N 302-П “On the rules of accounting for credit organizations inside the Russian Federation” sets out that the number of a checking account is a 20-digit number with AAA-ББ-ВВВ-Г-ДДДД-ЕЕЕЕЕЕЕ (the dashes are put for more convenience) representing the following:
• AAA (1-3th digits) is the number of the balance account of the first order;
• ББ (4-5th digits) is the number of the balance account of the second order;
• ВВВ (6—8th digits) is the currency code assigned in accordance with the All-Russia Classifier of Currencies (ARCC);
• Г (the 9th digit) represents the 4-digit code of a bank division;
• ДДДД (10-13th digits) is the 4-digit code of a bank division;
• EEEEEEE (14-20th digits) is a 7-digit internal number of a (personal) account in a bank.
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ARCA - All-Russia Classifier of Addresses. It is an official classifier of the Federal Tax Service of Russia designed to distribute territorial responsibilities among tax services and to send automated correspondence. The ARCA does not contain addresses of any confidentiality level. As to restricted municipalities only their names are specified. Currently the files of ARCA are created on the basis of the Federal Information Address System database and are updated weekly.
PNRN - Primary National Registration Number. It is the national registration number of the record of a legal person creation or the first submission of information on a legal person, in accordance with the Federal law of the Russian Federation “On the National Registration of Legal Persons”, which had been registered prior to the entering into force of the specified Law (clause 8 of the Recording Rules for the Unified State Register of Legal Entities).
ARCPTEA –All-Russia Classifier of Products by Types of Economic Activities (ARCPTEA) OK 34-2007 (Statistical Classification of Products by Activity in the European Economic Community 2002). The ARCPTEA was brought to effect January 1, 2008 without the cancellation of the All-Russia Classifier of Products (ARCP), parts 2 and 3 of the All-Russia Classifier of Types of Economic Activities, Products and Services (ACAP), All-Russia Classifier of Services Rendered to the Public (ARCSRP) with the aim of forming statistical data on the production and sale of individual types of products, works and services. At the ruling of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, passed December 30, 2010 № 1151-ст, the effective term of the classifier was prolonged till January 1, 2013 (amendment 1/2010 ARCPTEA). The objects of classification in the ARCPTEA are products (services, works).
The ARCPTEA is useful in solving the following main tasks regarding:
- the classification and coding of products (services, works) to form government statistical data;
- the creation of statistical data to be compared with international data;
ARCMUT – All-Russia Classifier of Municipal Unit Territories. It was passed December 14, 2005. Since January 1, 2014 a new version of the ARCMUT has been introduced to the statistical practices – OK 033-2013[1]. The principal difference of the new version is in the appearance of the ARCMUT code of communities. Since January 1, 2014 it is the ARCMUT that needs to be declared in tax payment orders (instead of and in the same box as the All-Russia classifier of units of administrative and territorial division.
ARCFO - All-Russia Classifier of Forms of Ownership.
ARCEO – All-Russia Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations, OK 007-93, passed in 1993, brought to effect July 1, 1994 (at the ruling of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, passed December, 30, 1993 № 297). It contains 8- or 10-digit number of a legal person required in accounting documents. Amendments to the ARCEO are made by the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology with the use of its computational system. The classifier is used to register legal persons in all government classifications and databases of Russia to help facilitate the liaison of data on legal persons and statistical data.
FIAS – Federal Information Address System of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The classifier contains address elements and the history of the changes made to them: regions, areas, cities, districts, communities, streets, houses. The FIAS databases are free-of-charge and are available for downloading in rar. archives. FIAS databases are in DBF and XML formats. XSD schemes are also available for FIAS databases to be downloaded in the XML format. Both full by-date versions as well as changes made to the latest full version are available for downloading. Also the FIAS update page provides the opportunity to download the databases in the ARCA format.
CRC - Customer Reference Code.
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