Organisation registration data

Code by CRC: 04721000004
TRN / TRRC: 7813201958 / 781101001
Region: Санкт-Петербург
Organisation level:
Organization type: Иное юр. лицо
Number of contracts: 91 Show
91 by federal law 223
Amount of contracts: 157 996 079 by federal law 223
Amount of contract, RUB.
Contract number: 57813201958170000370000

Subject: Оказание услуг по обслуживанию программного комплекса предотвращения утечек конфиденциальной информации

Conclusion date: 2017-07-11
2 523 784
Contract number: 57813201958170000350000

Subject: Услуги фиксированной телефонной связи

Conclusion date: 2017-07-03
Execution completion date: 2021-03-31
9 574 840
Contract number: 57813201958170000300000

Subject: Поставка, настройка, доработка, сопровождение управляющих систем СКС,технологического оборудования и их информационных систем и программногообеспечения, заключения договоров и т.д. по заявкам АО «Завод «Навигатор»

Conclusion date: 2017-06-02
Execution completion date: 2021-03-31
29 000 000
Contract number: 57813201958170000210000

Subject: Услуги охраны

Conclusion date: 2017-05-04
Execution completion date: 2022-12-31
376 496
Contract number: 57813201958170000020000

Subject: Услуги (работы) в области защиты информации

Conclusion date: 2017-02-16
2 033 898

The Clearspending project places information obtained exclusively from official sources.

The editors of Clearspending are not responsible for the publication of inaccurate, incomplete or incorrect data on legal entities, as well as for the disclosure of personal data of individuals in cases where such data are published on official sources.

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