Customer: Минпромэнерго Забайкальского края

Organisation registration data

Full name Министерство промышленности и энергетики Забайкальского края
Code by CRC: 01912000005
TRN / TRRC: 7536096025 / 753601001
Region: Забайкальский край
Address: Российская Федерация, 672000, Забайкальский край, Чита г, Чкалова, 136, -
Organisation level:
Organization type: Орган гос.власти
Number of contracts: 5 Show
5 by 44/94 Federal Law
Amount of contracts: 527 414 by 44/94 Federal Law
Amount of contract, RUB.
Contract number: 0191200000513000001
Supplier: "Ростелеком"

Subject: услуги электросвязи

Conclusion date: 2013-01-21
160 000
Contract number: 0191200000512000001
Supplier: "Ростелеком"

Subject: 6420020: Услуги местной (городской и сельской) телефонной связи

Conclusion date: 2012-01-01
142 176
Contract number: 0191200000511000004
Supplier: "ЧитаХолодМаш"

Subject: Поставка кондиционеров (электровоздухоохладителей)

Conclusion date: 2011-12-26
82 000
Contract number: 0191200000511000003
Supplier: ГУП Забайкальского края "Государственная страховая медицинская компания "Забайкалмедстрах"

Subject: Не указано

Conclusion date: 2011-01-11
Contract number: 0191200000511000002
Supplier: "Ростелеком"

Subject: Услуги местной (городской и сельской) телефонной связи

Conclusion date: 2011-01-01
143 237

The Clearspending project places information obtained exclusively from official sources.

The editors of Clearspending are not responsible for the publication of inaccurate, incomplete or incorrect data on legal entities, as well as for the disclosure of personal data of individuals in cases where such data are published on official sources.

Requests for correction of such data on the Clearspending website are taken exclusively through the form "Write to us!" And are considered for at least 5 working days.