Contract: 1772227652222000028

Contract profile

Contract number: 1772227652222000028
Amount of contract 192 517.60 RUB
Region Москва
Contracting method: N/a
Contract conclusion date: 2022-02-10
Publication date: 2022-02-11
Term of contract: 2022-02-28
Federal law: 44-ФЗ
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Contract profile

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Number of suppliers: 1 Show

Предмет контракта:

The name of the product, works, services
Product code
Measurement units
Price per unit
Price, RUB
Оказание услуг по дезинфекции помещений Государственного учреждения- Главного управления ПФР №3 по г. Москве и Московской области
192 517.60


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