
The section Budgets allows to track down the path of public spending from a Chief Controller (GRBS) through several levels of distribution and up to a particular public contract and its supplier(s).

In the table below, please consequently choose and click the necessary links representing levels of this path (GRBS > FKR > CSR > KVR). In the end this will lead you to a list of the corresponding contracts.

You may also have a look at all contracts bound to any particular level by clicking 'Go to Contracts' link. The number of the resulting contracts can vary. Please note that this table does not show the items of the classified part of the budget.

This section is still developing. You are welcome to send us your considerations and ideas via support@infoculture.userecho.com

Special-Purpose Items of Budget Spending (CSR) Number of contracts Contracts totals Link to contracts
1200000 — "Государственная программа Российской Федерации ""Охрана окружающей среды"" на 2012 - 2020 годы"
1210000 — "Подпрограмма ""Регулирование качества окружающей среды"" государственной программы Российской Федерации ""Охрана окружающей среды"" на 2012 - 2020 годы"
1212795 — "Реализация соглашений с международными финансовыми организациями в рамках подпрограммы ""Регулирование качества окружающей среды"" государственной программы Российской Федерации ""Охрана окружающей среды"" на 2012 - 2020 годы" 3 1 333 465 Go to contracts
1212796 — "Софинансирование, связанное с реализацией соглашений с международными финансовыми организациями, в рамках подпрограммы ""Регулирование качества окружающей среды"" государственной программы Российской Федерации ""Охрана окружающей среды"" на 2012 - 2020 годы" 2 3 548 224 Go to contracts

The Clearspending project places information obtained exclusively from official sources.

The editors of Clearspending are not responsible for the publication of inaccurate, incomplete or incorrect data on legal entities, as well as for the disclosure of personal data of individuals in cases where such data are published on official sources.

Requests for correction of such data on the Clearspending website are taken exclusively through the form "Write to us!" And are considered for at least 5 working days.